Photos by Amanda Billing
It was a spontaneous moment of genius to go see Boom Shankar instead of overstimulating my brain with yet another cute Japanese hamster TikTok on a Friday night. I’ve seen Boom Shankar’s promos on social media and I had so much fun watching Basmati Bitch, another work directed by Ahi Karunaharan. So, I had my SUSPICIONS that Boom Shankar would also be a good time. I decided on my bus ride to Q Theatre that I would go in completely blind. I knew nothing about what I was going to experience for the next 75 minutes.
Boom Shankar is like going to a really good party. It’s got the right music, the right lights, and the right people - the kind of friends whose sole mission is to make sure your night is a good one. The show follows Shankar Shinde, a recent graduate of BDSM (Bomb Defusal School of Manukau) who is tasked with a new mission. With the aid of a heavenly case worker Murray, can our hero defeat his shortcomings and save the day?
Tight, funny, buoyant writing, and great pacing. The direction and comedic timing in Boom Shankar made me feel like I was reading a comic book or a manga–is this what live-action anime is supposed to be? The show is punchy with gags. Very effective use of the lights—those looming silhouettes on stage add to the drama. The blocking is so much fun and the use of onstage costume changes add to the beat of the play. Everything is fluid on stage. The movement and the direction of the flashbacks flowed with comedy, and balanced the tonal and changes in the narrative. Maybe it was the fluidity of the story that made me feel so comfortable. I was laughing and grinning the whole time- I had to keep adjusting my jaw ‘cause it started to ache!
The characters were written with such love and honesty. Shankar’s mum immediately made me suck my teeth and think of my own mum. Bajaj played her as a human - she wasn’t just a caricature of the unreasonable, strict tiger mum. She's a cool mum but in a responsible way! Bajaj showed the soft and endearing sides of her character, and it was a treat every time she was on stage.
The actors were so gracious and respectful throughout the audience participation segments. I ended up right in the middle of the front row, sitting awkwardly by myself, trying not to twitch too much. But to my surprise, there was an ease on stage that made me feel comfortable. Aman Bajaj and Bala Murali Shingade controlled the crowd to a point where the audience wanted to be noticed by them - everyone wanted a cheeky shoutout! The actors and production were genuinely focused on entertaining us - we were guided and encouraged to be a part of the story. I really appreciated the way the actors interacted with me, acknowledged me, and included me but also understood that not to linger too long. They took care of me! The audience members who actively participated in the show seemed to really enjoy themselves, and I could feel their anticipation and excitement.
Shankar is so endearing. Having grown up in Auckland, I feel like I’ve definitely met a guy like Shankar before maybe in high school or in uni. Boom Shankar’s exploration into Shankar’s life got me to know him on a deeper, human level, not just as the class clown. Shingade’s gaze and movements really elevate Shankar’s growth in the story. I genuinely wanted Shankar to do well. Shingade’s presence in the final scene was impressive. The strength and energy in his upper body and the confidence in his movement filled the room. The closing dance is beautiful. It’s always great to see two people capable of filling up the whole stage with their charisma and cheer. The golden lights and the joyful movements, my shoulders were bopping along to the beat. And I DID appreciate all the RiRi sprinkled throughout the show. You start singing “Umbrella” and “Work” in front of me? I’m captivated.
Boom Shankar is a show you can watch by yourself, or with your friends, or even with your POC parents, and still have fun. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and left the Loft feeling full and taken care of. It was like I left with delicious leftovers in an orange Gopala yoghurt container. Everything I saw last night was made to entertain, to take a moment, and breathe. Boom Shankar was a gracious host to a great fuckin’ party.
Co-Presented by: Agaram Productions and Q Theatre
Writer & Performer: Aman Bajaj & Bala Murali Shingade
Director: Ahi Karunaharan
Producer: Gayatri Adi